Refix tracks 3 main type of interactions on your website

Page view

These are triggered whenever a user lands on or navigates to a page on your website. Refix captures the page path, title, referrer and utm parameters.

We also take care of tracking Single Page Application (SPA) navigations by listening to url changes.


Events are any user actions taken on your website. These include user clicks on links, buttons or any clickable elements. These Events are auto-labelled for you depending on the element type, but these labels can be customized via the Visual Labelling Mode.

By virtue of the way Autotrack is designed, a new Event would be created if the position or text of an element changes. Learn how to overcome this by using the Visual Labelling Mode


Refix tracks the scroll depth of your users on your website. This is useful to understand how far users are scrolling on your website and how engaged they are with your content.

Scrolls are not billable and will NOT contribute to your usage limits.